Bangladesh bank officer ( general) - 27.04.2018
1. Choose the best translation of ঝড়ো হাওয়া সহ বৃষ্টিপাত হলো
2. 'Deciduous' trees are trees that -
3. A ---- makes no differeence between man and man in spreading his love
4. His friend ___ his word much to his despair
5. change the voice : can you help me to scoop out seeds from melon ? ans : ____ to scoop out the seeds from the melon ?
7. choose the appropriate reporting speech : sara promised sana , "______."
8. complete shutdown (be) observed today against new law .
9. A sedentary worker require more calories than a ____ one .
10. The judge decided to exonerate the accused . The bild faced word means -
11. choose the appropriate reporting verb : ' she ( said ) that i should take a holidy '.
12. substitute in one word : " the study and treatment of mental illness ."____
13. which one is not the meaning of ' TENDER '?
14. The idioms ' to show the white feather ' means
15. Identify the correct spelling ___
17. নিচের যে ভাষাগুচ্ছ একই পরিবারভুক্ত নয় __
18. 'কোথায় এমন হরিৎক্ষেত্রে আকাশতলে মেশে। ' কবি ডিএল রায় প্রসঙ্গে উক্তিটি করেছেন _
20. 'টেনিদা' যে সাহিত্যিকের কিশোরপাঠ্য লেখার কেন্দ্রীয় চরিত্র-
23. নিচের বিপরীত শব্দযুগলের মধ্যে অশুদ্ধ_
25. '..... মাইকেল -রবীন্দ্রনাথ-নজরুল ইসলাম আমার মাতৃভাষা।' উক্তিটি __
26. সহচর শব্দযোগে গঠিত দ্বন্দ্ব সমাসের উদাহরণ _
27. 'ফুটপাতে ওরা সব এলিয়ে পড়ে রয়েছে। ছড়ানো খড় যেন।' সৈয়দ ওয়ালীউল্লাহ্-র 'নয়নচারা' গল্প থেকে গৃহীত উদ্ধৃতাংশটি __ এর দৃষ্টান্ত ।
28. 'Brevity is the soul of wit' পদবন্ধটির যথাযথ বঙ্গানুবাদ __
30. If * is defined for all positive real numbers a and b by a*b=ab/(a+b), then 10*2=?
31. If the langth of a rectangle is increased by 20% and width is decreased by 20% what is the change in area of rectangle ?
32. The dimensions of a box are 2,3 and 4 meters . the cost of painting the outer sides of the box at the rate of tk. 3 per square meter is ___
33. In each expression below , N represents a negative integer . Which expression could have a negative value?
36. a median of a triangle divides it into two ___
43. which of the following can be arranged into a 5 -letter English word? a.HRGST B. RILSA C. TOOMT D. WQRGS
44. The day after the day after tomorrow is 4 days before Moday . What day is it today?
48. A set of step by step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a (n) ___
49. An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is a ____
53. chip is a common nickname for a (n)
54. software , such as viruses , worms and trojan horses , that has a malicious intent is known as ___
55. ___ are used to identify a user who returns to a website .
56. Two people are born at the same moment , but they don't have the same birthdays. Because they might be born in different___
58. one of the official languages of the organization of islamic cooperation (OIC) IS __
60. The first post liberation war sculpture in Bangladesh is ___
61. The motion picture titled "theory of everything " is based on the life of ___
62. National voters day of bangladesh is observed on ___
64. Russia president vlasimir putin recently elected president for the -
66. The international body of UN which gives the trasformation from LDC to developing countries -
67. The host city of the 21st commonwealth games -2018 is ___
68. Asma jahangir is a renowed ___ activist
69. The year 2019 will mark the 100 years since the peace treaty of -
70. The best picture winning in the 90th academy award is -
71. Bangladesh bank recently announced a new CRR to increase the flow of money by a____ in the money market .
72. The name of the passenger train runs between Kolkata and khulna is __
73. A set of step -by-step procedures for accomplishing a task is known as a (n) _
74. An electronic path, that sends signals from one part of computer to another is a __