বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক || অফিসার (ক্যাশ) (21-07-2023)
1. জীবনানন্দ দাশ এর প্রকাশিত প্রথম কবিতা কোনটি?
6. নিচের কোনটি সমীভবন এর উদাহরণ?
7. বাংলা একাডেমি কত সালে ‘প্রমিত বানানের নিয়ম' প্রণয়ন করে?
10. রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের নিম্নোক্ত কোন তিনটি গল্পেই মুসলমান চরিত্র রয়েছে?
11. ‘এ ভরা বাদর, মাহ ভাদর শূন্য মন্দির মোর’- কে লিখেছেন?
15. উভয় পদের অর্থ প্রধান থাকে কোন সমাসে?
16. বাংলাদেশের প্রথম ছাপাখানা কোনটি?
17. ‘যে অরণ্যে আলো নেই' নাটক এর নাট্যকার হলেন-
18. ‘জলে ফেলা' বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?
20. ‘তার দুই হাতেই আংটি' বাক্যে ‘হাতেই” শব্দটি কি অর্থে ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে?
21. ‘রাজায় রাজায় যুদ্ধ হয়' বাক্যে রাজায় রাজায় কোন ধরনের কর্তৃকারক?
22. নিচের কোনটি ভাববাচ্যের উদাহরণ?
25. 'সত্য মিথ্যা' ভাবানুবাদ উপন্যাসের লেখক কে?
31. Which of the following is the opposite of the word BONDAGE?
32. Which one of the following is the analogy of TROPHY : CONTESTANT?
33. Which of the the following resembles LOGIC : REASONING?
34. Which one of the following is the analogy of BENCH : STOOL?
35. Fill the gap in the sentence 'He died ... his country' choosing right preposition.
36. Fill in the gap of the sentence: 'You cannot get this book... such a price'.
37. Which one of the following spelling is correct?
39. Identify a substitute word for the following sentence: 'A name wrongly or unsuitably applied to a person or an object'
40. Identify a substitute word for the following sentence 'One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined'-
41. Select the most appropriate option to complete the sentence: 'Do not quarrel over the money. Share it... the five of you'.
42. Pick appropriate word and complete the sentence:... at the top of my voice, I tried to warn everybody.'
43. Which one of the following sentences is correct?
44. The word 'Itinerary' means-
45. Choose from the following options for correcting the underlined portion of the sentence 'Matin is one of the few students who ''has brought real honor to'' the college'.
46. Which of the following options should be used to replace the underlined portion to correct the sentence 'Arafat has the guts ''to rise from'' the occasion and come out successful'.
47. What is the passive form of the sentence 'I had already shown her photo to the policeman?'
49. Which of the following is correct?
50. In the sentence 'I already told him about the party'. Here 'already' is-
53. The command to reboot a computer is -
55. Which technology is used by cryptocurrencies?
57. Which of the following is the strongest password?
59. Which one of the following is an example of an Operating System?
61. Who is the designer of the official logo of the Bangladesh Government?
62. Which Mughal Emperor is laid to rest in Yangon?
63. Which of the following is the largest border in the world between two countries?
64. Which country is called ''Great Britain of the East'?
66. Which one is the ‘Tallest Mountain in our Solar System’ ?
68. Industrial shares considered as safe investment-
70. As per the declaration of the government, Bangladesh will turn into 'Smart Bangladesh' by-
71. Tax-free income for individuals in Bangladesh for the tax years 2023-24 is-
74. The ICC World cup 2023 is going to be hosted by-
75. Which sector has the largest share of the GDP of Bangladesh?
78. The duration of the 'Eighth Five Year Plan' is-
79. Who is the first female 'Megseysey' award winner in Bangladesh?
82. If the sum of 3 consecutive integer is 210, then the sum of the two smaller integer is-
88. A shopkeeper has sufficient money to buy 50 books. On reduction in the price of each book by Tk. 4, he could buy 10 books more. How much money does he has?
93. If 4% of (P + Q) are 8 and P is a positive integer. What is the greatest possible value of Q?
94. Income of A is 25% less than B. What percent B's income would be more than A?
95. If a rectangle's length and width are both doubled, by what percent is the rectangle's area increased?
96. A box contains 90 nuts each of 100 gm and 100 bolts each of 150 gm. If the entire box weighs 35.5 kg, then find the weight of the empty box.
98. If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he can cover 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is-