Bank Job Solution

Global Islami Bank । Probationary Officer (10-02-2024)


1. ক' বর্গের ধ্বনিসমূহের উচ্চারণ স্থান কোনটি?

ক) জিহ্বামূল
খ) অগ্রতালু
গ) পশ্চাৎ দন্তমূল
ঘ) অগ্রদন্তমূল

2. কোনটি 'পরপদ' প্রধান সমাস?

ক) কর্মধারয়
খ) অব্যয়ীভাব
গ) দ্বন্দ্ব
ঘ) বহুব্রীহি

3. লাজুক' কোন ধরনের শব্দ?

ক) মৌলিক শব্দ
খ) রূঢ়ি শব্দ
গ) যৌগিক শব্দ
ঘ) যোগরূঢ় শব্দ

4. নিচের কোন বানানটি সঠিক?

ক) জিগিষা
খ) জীগীষা
গ) জিগীষা
ঘ) জীগিষা

8. দ্বিস্বরধ্বনিযুক্ত শব্দ -

ক) তৈল
খ) রক্ষক
গ) স্বর্ণ
ঘ) আবরণ

10. ভূষণ্ডির কাক' বাগধারাটি কি অর্থে ব্যবহৃত?

ক) নিরেট মূর্খ
খ) দীর্ঘজীবী
গ) নিষ্ক্রিয় দর্শক
ঘ) কপটচারি

26. In which sport slam dunk is performed?

ক) Soccer
খ) Basketball
গ) Tennis
ঘ) Golf

29. Which book was written by Harper Lee?

ক) The Scarlet Letter
খ) To Kill a Mockingbird
গ) Great Expectations
ঘ) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

32. USA's second biggest city is -

ক) Seattle
খ) Atlanta
গ) New York city
ঘ) Los Angeles

33. G-20 consists of-

ক) 19 Countries + Common Wealth of Nations
খ) 19 Countries + European Union
গ) 19 Countries + NATO
ঘ) 19 Countries + ASEAN

35. Great Barrier Reef is in-

ক) the UK
খ) the USA
গ) Germany
ঘ) Australia

41. Select the opposite of "exacerbate":

ক) Aggravate
খ) Mitigate
গ) Intensify
ঘ) Escalate

42. Choose the synonym for "obfuscate":

ক) Illuminate
খ) Confuse
গ) Clarify
ঘ) Elucidate

43. What does the expression "jump on the bandwagon" imply?

ক) To criticize others
খ) To join others in a popular activity
গ) To create a new trend
ঘ) To avoid public attention

44. Pick the antonym for "ubiquitous":

ক) Rare
খ) Pervasive
গ) Common
ঘ) Widespread

45. Choose the antonym for "ephemeral":

ক) Perpetual
খ) Enduring
গ) Transitory
ঘ) Fleeting

46. Neither John or Mary was aware of the surprise party,

ক) Neither John nor Mary were aware of the surprise party.
খ) Neither John nor Mary was aware of the surprise party.
গ) Neither John or Mary were aware of the surprise party.
ঘ) Neither John or Mary was aware of the surprise party.

47. The team are playing exceptionally well this season.

ক) The team are playing exceptionally well this season.
খ) The team is playing exceptionally well this season.
গ) The team be playing exceptionally well this season.
ঘ) The team were playing exceptionally well this season.

48. The book, along with its illustrations, were captivating.

ক) The book, along with its illustrations, were captivating.
খ) The book, along with its illustrations, was captivating.
গ) The book along with its illustrations, were captivating.
ঘ) The book, along with its illustrations, is captivating.

49. She told me that its her first time visiting the city.

ক) She told me that it's her first time visiting the city.
খ) She told me that its her first time visiting the city.
গ) She told me that its' her firs time visiting the city.
ঘ) She told me that it was her first time visiting the city

50. Select the word most similar in meaning to "tenacious":

ক) Resilient
খ) Surreptitious
গ) Capricious
ঘ) Garrulous

উত্তরমালা দেখুন উত্তরগুলো যাচাই করুন
প্রতিষ্ঠানভিত্তিক জব সলুশনসমূহ সালভিত্তিক জব সলুশনসমূহ